Storm Chase 2012 - May 15-16 - The Journey Down: Ontario to Kansas
Here is a video highlighting our two day journey from Ontario to Kansas. Feel free to visit my YouTube channel.
Storm Chase 2012 - May 17 - Chase Day 1: Western Kansas & Eastern Colorado
Here is a video highlighting our first chase day in western Kansas and eastern Colorado. Feel free to visit my YouTube channel.
Storm Chase 2012 - May 18 - Chase Day 2: NW Kansas & SW Nebraska
Here is a video highlighting our second chase day in northwestern Kansas and southwestern Nebraska. Feel free to visit my YouTube channel.
Storm Chase 2012 - May 19 - Chase Day 3: Tornadoes in South-Central Kansas
Here is a video highlighting our third chase day in south-central Kansas where we saw several landspouts and torndoes.. Feel free to visit my YouTube channel.
Storm Chase 2012 - May 24 - Chase Day 8: Structure and Lightning in Kansas
Here is a video highlighting our eigth chase day where we saw great structure, colouring and lightning.. Feel free to visit my YouTube channel.
Storm Chase 2012 - May 25 - Chase Day 9: Tornadoes at Night in Kansas
Here is a video highlighting our ninth chase day where we saw amazing nighttime tornadoes and structure.. Feel free to visit my YouTube channel.