« May 18, 2011 Storm Chase | Main | Ontario Weather Saturday »

Storm Chase 2011

We are now well into the US. We were able to make to Eurika, MO just southwest of St. Louis after about 16 hours. For a while I was banking on some storm potential this evening, which there is in SE CO and around the OK panhandle. The nose of the 250 mb Jet is nosing its way into that region whihc should help the upper divergence. But the flow at 500 mb is marginal and the LLJ at 850 is a little off the the E. Soundings indicate that most of the storms will be elivated, and CAPE's are marginal and is aligned in a very narrow swath.

Tomorrow is looking much better in and around the Lawton, OK region. The kicker here is the fact that the 250 and 500 mb Jet's sit way off to the W, but the streak just kissing into OK. At the surface the low sets up in south CO with a warm front trapping down to just S of Oklahoma City. Near Lawton is where moisture appears to greater with a strong warm front/dry line intersection. CAPES, EHI, and SRH values are maxed out in this vicinity and should make for a pretty descent environment for storms. Again the issue comes down to the upper level support. It appears as though we will be hanging around Norman, OK on Wednesday and will adjust position as we see fit.

Thursday looks like we will be heading up into Kansas where the surface low migrates to setting up waht appears to be a triple point in the vicinity of Greensburg :(. Upper level support returns to the area but a closed low developes at 500 mb which should not be a big problem but is not ideal. CAPE's look to creep up into the 2000 - 2500 J/kg whihc is sufficient...but again let's hope that the moiture will be there.


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