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May 21, 2011 Tornado

After being extremely patient, the target of Ada in southeast Oklahoma paid off huge. We were able to see a beautiful stovepipe toranado which managed to plant itselt right in the middle of the road and not obstructed by any trees. Waitting for the dry line to fire off storms paid off, since the dynamics were in place via a left side of a 500 mb jet increasing divergence and cyclonic vorticity production in the vicintiy of the dry line. Uncapped environment of about 4000 J/kg of CAPE made for 55 000 foot tops and some impressive structure.

Todaye with a left exit region 100 kt 250 mb jet entering into north central texas and southwesterm Oklahoma upper level divergence should be in place for for good storm developement. At 500 mb the flow is a little slack but should still have a maxima to the south which will do much of the same as yesturday. Advancing dry line throughout the day combined with around 6000 J/Kg of CAPE will make for cloud tops into the 60 000 foot range and extremely large hail. Shear and helicities are on the lower end and an eliviated mixed layer may put an slight damper on things but nothing major. We will be in the Ardmore or Waurika Oklahoma region.

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