Day 14: Down Day - Visiting Attica and Greensburg, Kansas
I'm currently in Garden City, Kansas. Today was a down day and we spent it getting into position for tomorrow's chase which looks like western Kansas. We started the day off by making a quick visit to Walmart to purchase Depends, balloons, crepe paper and window-writing markers. It's George Kourounis' birthday in a couple of days but we're worried we won't see him on his actual birthday so we decided to give him a birthday surprise today. We pulled up into the Denny's that Cloud 9 Tours was eating at and while George was inside eating, we decorated his van with "Happy 40th George", balloons, Depends, etc. Needless to say once Cloud 9 saw this, they preceded to cover our car with everything that was on theirs.
We then proceeded towards Kansas. We drove through the famous town of Attica where Scott McPartland took the infamous video of the house being torn apart by the tornado (video here) on May 12, 2004 and he showed us the house that got torn apart. It has since been rebuilt but it's an eerie thing to see.
After this, we continued on to the infamous town of Greensburg, Kansas which was completely destroyed by a 1.5 mile F5 tornado on May 4, 2007 (more info here). The town was completely destroyed and is being rebuilt "green" (energy efficient). You can still see a ton of evidence that the town was destroyed. There's empty house foundations, trees still stripped of leaves. The town was famous for a meteorite they had with a gift shop. The gift shop and meteorite are no longer there but you can still see the ceramic floor that was left behind by the tornado. Visit my gallery for more of these pictures.
We then had dinner and are currently in our hotel rooms. We haven't exactly decided a precise target for tomorrow. That will be in the morning. Looks like tomorrow may be our last day of chasing :(
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