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Delays, Delays ... Delays

Well, as expected, we've hit a few snags. All of us are here at Mark's place waiting for Mark. We got the van and we have a few problems with it. The biggest problem is it has winter tires and for those of you who don't know: winter tires do very very badly in rain, as in hydroplaning. We've called every Hertz we can in southern Ontario and the U.S. and no one has minivans. We managed to get a hold of someone at Pearson airport and he managed to get us a minivan. We'll have to pick it up in the next couple of hours. Mark has run out to get some last minute things and still has to pack when he gets home. After he gets the new van we need to hook up all the equipment which is very time consuming. We still hope to leave tonight for convenience but we may have to leave early in the morning. Most of us are hoping to leave tonight though. To add insult to injury, it's about 10C and raining outside! 

Other than that we have all the equipment we need so as soon as we get the new van we'll be on our way!

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