Chase Day 10 - Bust but Steak (May 26)

From Oakley, Kansas we made our way into Nebraska towards North Platte. We knew the threat was marginal as there were still moisture and capping issues. However, if something could get going, we could be looking at a tornado threat. So we stopped in North Platte for food and to get the oil changed. Well, the "check engine" light came on on our vehicle! So we called the nearest dealership and they had closed a few hours earlier. They were able to direct us to another garage in town. So we called and the guy said, "I'm closed but still here so swing by and I'll take a look." The car was idling roughly. We stopped by and he hooked up the computer to the car and checked it over and said the vehicle was fine but asked if we had been in any "hodunk towns to get gas" and I say we've been in every tiny town to get gas that tornado alley has to offer! He suspects we just got some bad gasoline and the engine just needs to work it out. Amazing man, he didn't even charge us.
So we continued north a bit and ... nothing happened. We heard some thunder and got a couple of rain drops but that was it. We didn't have our "tornado steak" from seeing the tornadoes on May 25 so we went to a steakhouse in Kearney, Nebraska.
We're now spending the night in Kearney and plan on chasing closer to the Kansas border tomorrow.
Goodnight from Kearney, Nebraska!
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