« May 13 - Travel Day 1 | Main | Snow?! What about tornadoes?! »

Planning the Journey Down

We're almost there! We're aiming to leave early Monday morning. Here's our tentative route for Monday:

  • Leave my and Brad's place north of Toronto, Ontario
  • Pick up Greg from his place
  • Head through the Windsor-Detroit border crossing
  • Head south into Ohio where we need to stop and get our internet sorted out
  • From there we're heading southwest through Indiana, Illinois and into Missouri
  • We'll try to make it as far into Missouri as we can then spend the night 

 That will be the first leg of our journey so hopefully it all works out! Models are still showing some promise but when you only have a certain period of time to chase you take what you can get. Who knows, last year was a struggle and we ended up with a really good year for tornadoes and storms. Now back to laundry and packing!

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